“Invincible Fidelity” was written by Albert A. Fradeneck in 1923. In 1939 the KMB began using “Invincible” as its street march, and over the years the song became identified with the band as the KMB’s “signature tune” and eventually the band’s motto. In addition to being the band’s street march, “Invincible” is played as an encore at the close of almost every concert.
Members are expected to memorize their part making it easy to play at a moment’s notice and there is no music to contend with on parade.
Because of its association with the KMB, “Invincible” was looked upon by band members as “their own.” However, copyright laws still were in effect as far as “ownership” of the march. In 2003, as part of the KMB 75th Anniversary, the KMB Business Manager inquired of the copyright owner, Carl Fisher, Inc., if they would consider giving the march copyright to the KMB as an anniversary gift. Their legal staff was not inclined to do so but did agree to sell the copyright to the band. An anonymous donor stepped forward to provide the funds necessary to purchase the copyright, and during the 75th Anniversary concert, it was announced to the audience and KMB members that “Invincible” was finally the legal property of the Kiel Municipal Band.